
Exploring the Stories of the Islands and the Freedoms of Third Age

Blue Skies & Sculpture in El Médano


This sculpture stands at the end of the beach road, where El Médano becomes a bit wilder, where you can, actually see where the name médano comes from – it means sand dune.

Simply because a photo of this sculpture was the last picture in my last post I thought I’d show you a completely different view of it. It is said to represent the seven islands united, whilst on the wall behind you can see the seven pieces separately, as individual entities too.  Why do I say “it is said to….”? Because despite asking the local authority I couldn’t get confirmation of what I believed to be true. Though there are several interesting works of art on El Médano’s streets, they go their artists go unsung, which I think is a great shame.

Author: IslandMomma

Aging with passion; travelling with curiosity; exploring islandlife, and trying to keep fit and healthy.

9 thoughts on “Blue Skies & Sculpture in El Médano

  1. That is a very interesting sculpture! I think it’s about time to visit the Canary Islands again! 😉

    • This is my favorite time of year here, May and June. It’s looking as if it will be rather dry, but there are still flowers by the roadside on the mountain roads, and the hills are a bit greener than a couple of weeks ago, before it rained. Today has been the most breathtakingly clear and blue day! It’s warm but still fresh, before the summer haze.

  2. Thankyou so much for this photo – I love it. I guess the basic idea is a group of islands linked together forming a Spine? More sculpture please – everywhere. And you clever girl you are getting so brave with the photoshopping effects. I also love that one in Candelaria.

    • Glad you liked it. I had a conversation only today with a friend about how lucky we are to have so much great street art here. OK I’ll try to post some more.

      The sculpture isn’t photoshopped. That’s exactly how it was, and the Guanche statue was my first attempt. I’ve not been very keen on messing with photos, but it’s beginning to interest me more so long as it says what I want to convey. The original photos of the Guanches were so inspiring it set me off!

  3. The artist who made it (and most of the other sculptures in Medano) lives in a little house on the beach at the bottom of our road. There always used to be big blocks of stone and marble sitting outside waiting for him to work on, but his wife told me that he now works from a cave somewhere up near Grenadilla.

    Anyway, I love his big stone kebab sticks and enormous sausage rolls. That one is my reference point as I line up to ride waves at el Muelle but I never realised that it represented Las Afortunadas.

    • Thank you, Richard! I should have known that you could tell me what the Town Hall could not! I remember reading about it in thr press years ago, but couldn’t find any reference now. Bet you’re not liking this luv.erly weather!

      • actually after a few days of no wind the all-consuming addiction (to windsurfing) fades 🙂 and other activities take over … mainly mountain biking – both at coast level and up in the woods around La Esperanza. And it is indeed luv.erly to be able to walk around without a shirt on again (first time in what 6 months or so ?). Enjoy while we can … wind is on it’s way ! (same as it ever was).

  4. Isn’t it always???? Wind, that is! ’twas a tad nippy yesterday barbecuing in Cho Pancho, but worth the cold toes :=)

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